Practical and cost-effective connecting elements between overhead and underground lines.
Connecting bolts

Connecting bolts
In the field of energy distribution, connecting bolts serve as the link between a ground station - such as a substation - and an overhead line. To connect the conductors, they are brought together within a hollow metal body, after which the connection is either crimped or screw-mounted.
Connecting bolts offer a simple and cost-effective solution for connecting conductors made from different materials or of varying sizes. They are primarily used in the production and distribution of energy, especially in power line construction.
Connecting bolts are typically made of copper or aluminum. Depending on customer requirements, the surface can be left untreated or coated with silver or tin. Crimped connecting bolts are manufactured for cable cross-sections up to 1,600 mm². For larger cable cross-sections (up to 2,500 mm²), screw-mounted connecting bolts are increasingly used.
Sefag Components AG produces both crimped and screw-mounted connecting bolts in a variety of connection options, with or without grooves. We develop our solutions in close cooperation with our customers, offering support based on our extensive experience in the field of power transmission.